Saturday, April 11, 2009

So Much For Headaches and Bad Luck Not Touching Me (BEDA #10)

Hello and welcome to another edition of "Pax Rambles About Nothing"-- I'm your host for this evening, Pax.

You know the drill by now, the song title is usually related to both my mood and is somehow adapted from a song, so here's the typical game of name that tune: What song am I listening to, or at the very least what band sings a song with some of these lyrics? (remember, it's like horseshoes, as long as you're close I'm not going to beam you with a horse shoe... at least I think that's how that goes...)

*sighs* Sometimes I wish I had epic intro music for things like this, but alas I do not.

Even if it's almost 3:30 in the afternoon I am in short feeling pretty god awful lazy and just want to go back to bed. Saturdays and myself are not friends, we're more like family-- I love Saturdays, but I don't always like them and sometimes want to slam the door in their face when they show up unexpectedly.

On another side note... I miss my fiancee today... *sad face*

I understand that it's Easter weekend and everything and I'm not meaning to be selfish, I know she needs to spend time with her family (and one of us needs to guarantee we're not going to hell), but it's still weird ending my nights without her and starting my mornings without her for now.

Mahal kita...

At least in her absence I've found a myriad of nerdy things to stimulate my mind for now, even if they are a little mindless within themselves.

I recently discovered Omegle through a mixture of 4Chan archives, YouTuber (mainly Alex Day AKA Nerimon), and

Basically the premise of Omegle is that you are completely anonymous, as is the person you are talking to you (so anonymous that it says "You" and "Stranger" when you are talking.

My mom always told me not to talk to strangers, but she never said anything about messing with them...

So basically this is what happens when Anonymous is allowed to have free reign on the Internet: Lucinda, Old Gregg references, and bestiality.

I've also been playing a lot of Street Fighter Alpha (designed for PS1 on my PSP) so far, and I have to say one thing about it.

Every time I hit Chun-Li, a little part of my soul dies...

...can't say the same for my special bar though...

But really, that's the one thing I never understood about Street Fighter is that it is one of the only fighting games from that time that had gender equality, but I'm not so sure that's a good thing...

There are only two female characters in the game, Chun-Li and Rose, and the rest are male.

And mind you, I understand that it's a game, but that doesn't mean I feel alright each time Ryu kicks Chun-Li in the face, it's probably as close as I'll ever get to domestic abuse.

It might really just be me, but I'm curious to ask you guys-- how do you feel about male characters hitting female characters in games, and this isn't the only game in which you can do that (ex. Grand Theft Auto, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, etc.). I don't think I'd have a problem with it were it not for the fact that some of these games are in fact games designed for all ages-- do you think kids would get the wrong message, or do you think it's just a game?

I'm not trying to be a game Nazi, I enjoy my video game violence just as much as the next Mountain Dew fueled game fiend, but I'd be curious is anyone else saw any controversy or need to add a warning to these games.

Speaking of game violence, for those of you who want to beat people up and not have to life a finger, you might enjoy My Brute, I'm on there as Paxomaniac (which no one is probably surprised about).

Basically you just name and design a character, and then watch it fight someone else's character-- you don't even have to life a finger, it's like watching cock (I know, teehee, cock...moving on...) fights, but instead it's little animated midgets fighting with melee weapons (or in my case, shurikens and battle axe for the win)

However if you're really in the mood you can play something a little more stimulating, the only catch is that it doesn't have random violence (boo!)...

But wait vaguely familiar internal monologue-- it helps a good cause.

Free Rice is a website sponsored by the United Nations and basically all you do is answer trivia questions to help supply impoverished areas with rice.

1 question right is 10 grains of basically after 10 questions you have donated a whole bowl of rice.

The best part is that if you get the question wrong you don't lose rice, but rather you are given the answer and the question will come up later for you to answer and you get another change to earn rice and learn something new.

The best part is that not only is it entertaining, but it helps you learn things and study topics, and on top of that it's helping people around the world with a simple click of the mouse.

No offense, but I think that's a reward that World of Warcraft can't bring you.

You can also choose different topics to be quizzed in which are:

(^this was taken directly from the website)

My thought is that you're already online, what's 5,10,15 minutes out of your day to help someone and have fun along the way?

But if you want to go on a raid, more power to you-- tell me how it feels getting up to a level 70 mage when people around the world are starving... *guilt tripping you*

No worries... I have all day... I can wait...

But now that I've gone all Pax-tivist on you guys for now, I'm going to figure out what I can do for myself right now and treat this dang blasted headache-- definitely waiting for these April showers to be over...

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