Monday, June 21, 2010

He's alive?

I think for a while I had given the impression that I'd fallen off the face of the Earth, so if anyone actually noticed-- I'm sorry. I don't have a good excuse other than I didn't really feel like full-on blogging, though I do post from daily on my Tumblr.

Today though I actually wrote something on my Tumblr that seemed worthy of being something I would blog here, so I thought I'd share it since I only just finished it a few moments ago.

I’ve just been having one of those days where I can’t help but see the worst in people— not because I’m looking for it, but because people have a tendency of using Monday as a day to be horrible and then by Friday afternoon people are much more bearable again. So instead of complaining about it— I’ve decided just to air some grievances in the most playful manner way that I can muster.

I dislike people who act like anyone who doesn’t get their coffee from Starbucks just obviously doesn’t know what they’re missing out on. Guess what, I’ve been at Starbucks a load of times— I don’t think I’m missing much other than the trendy cups, the trendy sitting area, and the trendy trendsters. Kindly please stop looking down on me and my Dunkin Donuts coffee and donut. If you genuinely enjoy Starbucks then by all means, you are free to go about your day— you are the kinds of people who make me have a happy.

I dislike people that describe themselves as open-minded, when in most cases they’re just like-minded. It’s easy to call yourself open-minded when you don’t associate with people who disagree with you. I think that a person can be open-minded about certain facets in their lives like music, movies, books, television. I however have very rarely run across someone who has managed to possess open-minded political and religious beliefs, because admittedly it’s very hard to believe what you believe and let others believe what they believe without feeling like you need to defend yourself. If I told you I didn’t like gay people (which isn’t true, but is the only example I could come up with that would lead to incensed rage) then obviously your response wouldn’t be “I respect your position”— I think in most cases I would get called homophobic even before I could explain my side (okay, maybe not the best example, but if you can substitute something better in yourself, please do). If you have managed to be a genuinely open-minded person, I urge you to please write a book because I think we could all take a lesson from you.

I dislike people who try so hard not to be “in” or “normal”— one example being people who refuse to listen to popular music, even if it was a band they loved before someone else had heard of them. It doesn’t matter if someone sells a thousand records or a million records, you should love what you love because you love it— there’s no sense in hating something you enjoy just because someone you hate enjoys it. I also wish people would learn the true definition of being a sell-out, because getting paid for what you do and selling out are two different things. Ideally as an artist you do want to sell— I know some people say they do stuff for the ‘art’, but that hippie-dippy logic doesn’t put food on the table. Selling out would be like Motörhead covering Hannah Montana because it would purposefully make them more money. Making money for what you love do while still doing it on your own terms and maintaining happiness is called being “successful”— something we should all hope to aspire towards.

I don’t like how people feel like they need to criticize someone for something they enjoy, just because other people might find it stupid, or whatever more creative insult comes to mind. Unless someone’s favorite hobby is murder, driving under the influence, incest, or etc., then just leave them be— it’s not with your time or theirs for you to try and convince them otherwise. People are going to like what they like because they like it, everyone has their reasons— just like you have yours. You’re not doing anyone a favor by proselytizing, regardless of whether that thing is a religion, or even just something as silly as a TV show or movie At the end of the day it’s not like anything like that matters in the end. Earlier this year I had the realization that it didn’t matter if I felt that God didn’t exist or not, because even if people were faced with conclusive evidence that God doesn’t exist— they’re going to live how they want regardless of how it makes them appear to other people. I almost have to envy people’s ability to shoulder criticism like that and never falter, it’s refreshing to see that in this day and age people can still find a way to be themselves when it seems the world has created this idealized concept of how we should all behave.

I used to be one of those people who lived by the doctrine that “life is too short”, when I really meant to say “live your life to the fullest”. Life actually isn’t too short, I mean, what are you going to do that is longer? You could debate that you’ll be dead longer, but I don’t think that’s exactly the point. Out of the things you can actually experience as a human being, life is the longest thing you can do— unless you’ve ever stood in the line for the DMV, and then the feeling is questionable.

To steal a quote from Mean Girls: Calling somebody else fat won’t make you any skinnier. Calling someone stupid doesn’t make you any smarter— I’m not saying I abide by this by any means, but I think to some degree it is a fundamentally good idea. Telling someone they’re wrong doesn’t make you right, and even sometimes explaining why they’re wrong isn’t going to help you either, at the end of the day you need to stop living your life at the expense of others and learn to move on.

To some degree, I dislike how many people are just going to ignore this— because they’re exactly the kind of people who could have a few lessons to learn. I guess that’s just how the world works though— we don’t notice the cracks in our personality until they’re too big to fix.

I don't have much else to add today, though I think my motivation bug is back-- so I'll try and at least update here once a week with things over the summer. The only thing I can report as of late is that I just celebrated my 21st birthday two weeks ago today. No subtle innuendos of a drunken rager here-- I've had about 3 drinks since being legal, and I'll probably pack in a few more tomorrow and hope for the best.

Oh, and happy first day of summer, I suppose in honor of that I'll go play my summer anthem on repeat.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

*Warning* Random "It's a Good Cause" Post Ahead

Every year I usually try and find some free charity or organization to support, usually around the holidays because that's when they are usually the most abundant.

This year's random organization was brought to me randomly by Facebook and it's right up my alley in terms of personal interest. I am a military fanatic, I support our troops immensely and try and show my support in many ways as possible-- even if it means buying shittier chewing gum because it donates money to various scattered veteran's organizations.

Well this one is completely free and takes less than a minute: It's sponsored by Xerox, which everyone recognizes (hopefully) with relation to copiers and copying and other office services.

Let'sSayThanks explains itself more on the website, but for anyone who needs more convincing it is described on the official Facebook Group as:


If you go to this web site, you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving overseas. You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to a member of the armed services.

How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!! It is FREE and it only takes a second.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Whether you are for or against the war, our soldiers over there need to know we are behind them.

This takes just 10 seconds and it's a wonderful way to say thank you. Please take the time and please take the time to pass it on for others to do. We can never say enough thank you's.

Thanks for taking to time to support our military!

Just in case anyone missed the site it's :

For anyone who's a stickler for validity before doing anything here are some links that have investigated it to prove it's a real organization:

Really, all it takes is a minute if you choose the cookie-cutter response option and maybe two minutes tops if you want to give your own reply to a serviceman or woman.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I've Been Good This Year...

If we redefine what "good" means...

I'm not the kind of person who tries to ask for a lot of superficial Christmas gifts, and honestly even when I try and convince my parents not to buy me things and just donate to charity in my name... they just do both.

This year my mom doesn't want me to fight with her over gifts, so I'm just making this now to say I was well behaved and did it.

1) LED Binary Watch

Courtesy of: ThinkGeek

This is my expensive gift of the year, and is also probably the least likely one I'll get. I still like to include something a little bit more expensive and geeky each year in hopes I'll get it. It took me 3 years to get a PSP, I figure I can break them in 2 with this.

2) Metalocalypse: Season One DVD

I know some people will have eye rolled at this, but's a 14 dollar TV series on DVD, the episodes are barely 10 minutes a piece so blasting through two seasons can be done in less than a day, two days if you actually sleep. I think I'd ask for Season Two, too...just because after Christmas I get my surgery and I'll be bored a lot.

3) Killswitch Engage: Killswitch Engage (2009)

I'll probably just settle for the regular one disc album, but a guy can dream can't he? I love these guys and I lost a lot of their CDs through damage as a teen, loss on the move to college, and then out of general disrespect for the music industry I just download everything. Still from time to time I feel like buying a CD helps even the scales again.

4) Heavy Metal Shirt

Courtesy of: ThinkGeek

I think this is something really fitting for me, geeky, funny,'s the kind of shirt I could see chuckling at for days too and my mom has always said my shirts are a good topic of conversation and I'd like to keep up that tradition.

5) Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen DVD

As it has been established, I am a geek...I like geeky things, and this movie was an explosive geekgasm, and not even at a credit to Megan Fox but due to the sheer cheesy awesome of a cartoon being adapted into badass explosions and robot cars!

My mom will probably be disappointed that I haven't listed more so I'll have to get back to this, honestly...I spend my whole life never getting what I want and now they want to give me too much =P

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Call

Honor, Courage, Commitment.

If you have any prior knowledge of the military you'll know that those are the core values of the United States Marine Corps.

Semper Fidelis.

The Corps' latin motto that means "Always Faithful", which to my understanding usually means faithful to the Corps, faithful to your brothers and sisters in the Corps, and faithful to your country and defending them even if it means giving your life in the process.

I'd always believed in these values growing up, and I'm not even sure where I learned them, but these ideals have resonated me for as long as I can remember.

My mom jokes that I was born old, other people have joked that in a past life I must have served in the military because there's just something about me. No one has ever been able to place exactly what that something is, but there must be some indelible mark that I can't see.

Something about the Marines has always attracted me, and solely the Marines.

My grandfather was in the Army when he was only a little younger than I am now and I always thought it was a little too brutish and unskilled for me. The other branches of the military never attracted me, there was something missing whenever I'd see the troops visit out school for the Memorial Day celebration (it was fitting that I went to Memorial High School, probably part of the reason I have some military beliefs like someone who went to a Catholic school has religious beliefs.)

The Marine however always stood out, the way he stood, the way he presented himself, there was something about him that you could see from a mile away. Maybe this was the same something that everyone has been able to see in me, I'll never be sure, but all I know.

I remember telling my mom how I wanted to serve in the military instead of attend college. Needless to say she was less than enthused. The short version of what happened is that she said no, however the longer story is much more amusing, at least it would be if it weren't real life.

My mom is my greatest protector, and the biggest threat to someone who tries to hurt me. I feel bad for the recruiters that had to call my house, I can only imagine the things my mother said to them while I eavesdropped from the upstairs landing. She ripped up every packet that came addressed to "Mr. Edward J Paxton" from the various armed services around the country.

I used to get upset that she was preventing me from my destiny, preventing me from living a life of courage, honor, commitment; even preventing me from being faithful.

Now that I get to look back with older eyes and a greater maturity though, I think I should thank her. So here it goes mum, thank you for making the decisions that I was too young to intelligently make at that time myself.

I might not be a Marine, and I might never get a chance, but that doesn't change who I am.

I still have that something in me, I still believe strongly in living my life with honor, courage, and commitment, and I found a more applicable meaning for "Semper Fidelis".

Who knows, maybe someday I'll get a chance to serve my country, whatever country that is in the future, but life has found a way of finding me a purpose.

I used to regret going to college, but that was before I got there. I now realize that there's all things in our lives that we have to give up. I was told that a call to serve the military was like a call to serve God and that very few people could hear it, but for those that do it's like a bell tolling until the point it almost annoys you to ignore it.

This is true, there is some type of pull, some type of call to attention, call to order, and I can tell you that I've heard it, or at least I did.

As I get older I've realized that I have a higher calling and it's not to God, or country, or even myself...but it's when you realize you have a higher purpose with someone else rather than something.

I'm not sure what my future holds with this, maybe someday I'll get another change to prove myself and wear that uniform, but if I don't at least I know I made the right choice and I have no regrets.

Well maybe I have one regret, but there's always Halloween =P

Friday, October 16, 2009

Overdue Memes

Mmmm, Fridays...

I walked 2.5 miles today in 40 minutes, this was my way home today. Usually I take the bus home and it gets me there in five minutes but apparently on the day it drops below freezing I decide to show some motivation.

My roommate is watching Watchmen right now and all I can hear is moaning, so needless to say I'm trying to find something else to occupy my time to avoid the scenes...

So I'm doing one of those obligatory memes that I was tagged in a few months ago and somehow missed-- I'm honestly not even sure how I found it, but Rich tagged me months ago and I guess that is what finals do to my blog roll.

6 Facts, that's not so hard...I think I can manage 6 Facts about myself:

1) I watch Bob Ross almost every day, and I mean every day. There is not one day this past year (barring my vacation without internet) where I didn't watch Bob Ross. And yes, Bob Ross as in Happy Trees, Afro, and painting series. There are some days when I deliberately switch my IP address just so I can watch more Bob Ross videos without having to register for a Pro Account on MEGAVIDEO. I'm actually hoping to get some of the series on DVD this Christmas because I've probably played all the available episodes more than 50 times each.

(I just noticed I was listening to him paint right now too)

2) My feet are a physical nightmare-- I have had bunions since birth, I suffer from fallen arches, and flat feet (which are not exactly the same thing according to my doctor). I had my first Austin Bunionectomy on my left foot about a month after my 20th birthday (my surgery was on Canada Day 2009). My foot is mostly healed but I have a horrendous scar on my foot that looks something like this

(I found this on Flickr, I'm oddly jealous of how much nicer their scar looks than mine)

My scar is puffy and purple and is my new ironic cross to bear. Before my feet were barely functional, but fairly attractive as feet come. Now my foot is still only moderately functional (recovery is 6 months total) and I have a horrendous purple scar that will probably never fade in my lifetime. I have to have my second surgery on December 30th, 2009.

In regards to my arches, I have an illusion for an arch. I look like I have well defined arches, and then I take a step, and my foot is flat on the floor again like I'm some over grown baby foot. Because of my fallen arches I am also incredibly flat footed. My doctor likes to joke that my feet are that of my past life and that I got the body of a young man, but I got the feet of a WWII infantry man. I have to admit this does make me chuckle some.

3) I am the furthest thing from metrosexual/homosexual (yes, I know sexual stereotyping...sue me), but with this being said, I love shoes. If you've ever seen those guys on Cribs with box after box after box of shoes-- yeah, I'm that kind of guy. I'm at least responsible with my shoes-- I usually don't buy anything too expensive unless I really feel like I need it. There's a guy who goes by the moniker of Sole Junkie and he makes customized shoes-- needless to say if I was loaded I'd buy a pair of customized shoes from him.

The first time I saw these shoes, I realized that this would be my mark of success someday

4) From age 12-18 (or so) I used to wear a hat to bed, and I'm not even sure why. It wasn't necessarily even the same hat...over that span of 6 years it had been lots of different hats. I always found something comforting about having a hat on my head, especially while I was sleeping. I'm not sure why I stopped, I think living with a roommate changed a lot of my habits because you don't really want to seem weird. I think also because most of my hats have gotten pretty ratty I just stopped abusing them any more than they needed to be.

5) I'm commonly referred to as a
Renaissance man, and not by any insisting of my own. I'm just interested in an insane amount of fields like writing, languages (especially foreign languages), psychology, mythology, science, history (largely history associated to wars and pre-WWII Europe and North America), theology, law, medicine, film, computers, meteorology, and anything that comes to my interest at any time. (and yes, I have pondered a career in every one of the previous)

6) I used to hate coffee, it used to make me violently ill and I never knew why. For the longest time I just assumed I couldn't tolerate coffee or I just really wasn't a fan of it...something logical like that. It was only over the past year or so that I learned it wasn't because I hated coffee, but because I learned I had become lactose intolerant sometime during my freshman year (I was not lactose intolerant until I got to college, which I thought was weird). Now that I've started taking my coffee black (admittedly with some sugar) I've started abusively drinking coffee-- I'm not sure I see this as a positive, but at least it gets me going in the morning minus the cringing regret and uncontrollable vomiting.

And yes, of course I end it on a classy!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Today is My Day Off...

Today was my favorite kind of day, mindless:

  • Woke up to my roommate's alarm, a few minutes before my own
  • Dropped my phone off the edge of the bed and grumbled while trying to silence the screaming of Howard Jones from KsE
  • Recovered my computer from where it got dropped on the floor last night-- it has all the signs of damage now including a green line that waves about my monitor until I smack it
  • Spent time with my adorably feverish fiancee, who as said was both adorable and feverish
  • Lay in bed for another 20 minutes before deciding to go to the Financial Aid Office
  • Financial Aid Office was actually a waste of time
  • Checked the mail for my Jarhead DVD
  • Got profiled at the market by some blonde girl, she apparently doesn't like metal music or military bomber garb
  • Went back to the room and streamed Red Sands from Megavideo
  • Made a steak sandwich
  • Dripped BBQ sauce on my laptop and only realized later what I was licking it off of-- my laptop has a very distinct dust and BBQ sauce taste now
  • Googled more shooter style games, I'm in need of a video game fix for sure
I also just learned that my eldest cousin is going back to school, which means both my eldest and middle cousins are officially in college-- both of them studying some type of medical profession. Essentially this means that both Alex and Shanna could wind up being nurses. I'm both amused and proud of this fact.

I'm not sure what the rest of tonight will hold, but I'm pretty content with how things have been lately. Life is good, and I don't want to trade it for anything.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I Get It Now...I Think

My tiny chickens have finally let up and I feel much better. I've used that phrase a lot this week and figure it takes some explaining.

Tiny chickens= Hank Green inspired Nerdfighter phrase that is synonymous with a head cold (aka, the pecking in the brain, and the general gooey disgusting facial appearance)

I'm however particularly restless right now after a night of drinking Butterbeer with my roommate. Yes, Butterbeer as in the fictitious treat enjoyed without the confines of the Harry Potter fandom. Google it, there's a recipe for it on Mugglenut and it's an instant jolt-- I had two mug fulls and I'm just....buzzzzzzzzzzz.

I just had another one of those "adult realization" moments-- once again inspired by my dad. It's strange how I'm learning more about the things he taught me as a kid now than I ever did when he first told me.

When I was a little kid my dad used to make me watch Stand By Me with him (Rob Reiner film, Stephen King short story) and I used to complain at being forced to watch it with him. I didn't understand what the point of it was for me to sit there and just watch my dad transfixed by this movie.

I know deep down it has to do with his mom, my nana. I'm not sure if it was her favorite film or something, but for some reason I think of this film and I think of my dad giving talks about my grandmother.

My nana died in June 1989, I was born in June 1989, there was a very small window in which I "knew" her. I have no memories of her so I have to kind of watch my father's reverence for her. I've never ask much about her, but over my life he's given me more about her and I kind of appreciate every bit of information I get about her. I've only realized now how well I've known her all along.

I remember whenever we'd watch this movie my dad would say "someday you'll appreciate this" and I think I mocked him much in the way a little kid calls their dad crazy.

Well dad, I get it now. You're still not any less crazy.

Sitting here watching this movie it's fallen into place in a weird way.

It's a chain of events, a tradition that I'm just meant to continue out of honor. I'm pretty sure my dad doesn't even like the movie, but that's not the point. My nana liked this movie and in turn it reminds my dad of her. My dad showed the movie to me because it links me indirectly to her and directly to him. Someday it'll be my turn to sit my kids down and link them to their grandfather and great-grandmother and wait 20 years for the realization.

But I honestly need to stop having these epiphanies at 5:44AM...