Thursday, October 8, 2009

Today is My Day Off...

Today was my favorite kind of day, mindless:

  • Woke up to my roommate's alarm, a few minutes before my own
  • Dropped my phone off the edge of the bed and grumbled while trying to silence the screaming of Howard Jones from KsE
  • Recovered my computer from where it got dropped on the floor last night-- it has all the signs of damage now including a green line that waves about my monitor until I smack it
  • Spent time with my adorably feverish fiancee, who as said was both adorable and feverish
  • Lay in bed for another 20 minutes before deciding to go to the Financial Aid Office
  • Financial Aid Office was actually a waste of time
  • Checked the mail for my Jarhead DVD
  • Got profiled at the market by some blonde girl, she apparently doesn't like metal music or military bomber garb
  • Went back to the room and streamed Red Sands from Megavideo
  • Made a steak sandwich
  • Dripped BBQ sauce on my laptop and only realized later what I was licking it off of-- my laptop has a very distinct dust and BBQ sauce taste now
  • Googled more shooter style games, I'm in need of a video game fix for sure
I also just learned that my eldest cousin is going back to school, which means both my eldest and middle cousins are officially in college-- both of them studying some type of medical profession. Essentially this means that both Alex and Shanna could wind up being nurses. I'm both amused and proud of this fact.

I'm not sure what the rest of tonight will hold, but I'm pretty content with how things have been lately. Life is good, and I don't want to trade it for anything.