Friday, October 16, 2009

Overdue Memes

Mmmm, Fridays...

I walked 2.5 miles today in 40 minutes, this was my way home today. Usually I take the bus home and it gets me there in five minutes but apparently on the day it drops below freezing I decide to show some motivation.

My roommate is watching Watchmen right now and all I can hear is moaning, so needless to say I'm trying to find something else to occupy my time to avoid the scenes...

So I'm doing one of those obligatory memes that I was tagged in a few months ago and somehow missed-- I'm honestly not even sure how I found it, but Rich tagged me months ago and I guess that is what finals do to my blog roll.

6 Facts, that's not so hard...I think I can manage 6 Facts about myself:

1) I watch Bob Ross almost every day, and I mean every day. There is not one day this past year (barring my vacation without internet) where I didn't watch Bob Ross. And yes, Bob Ross as in Happy Trees, Afro, and painting series. There are some days when I deliberately switch my IP address just so I can watch more Bob Ross videos without having to register for a Pro Account on MEGAVIDEO. I'm actually hoping to get some of the series on DVD this Christmas because I've probably played all the available episodes more than 50 times each.

(I just noticed I was listening to him paint right now too)

2) My feet are a physical nightmare-- I have had bunions since birth, I suffer from fallen arches, and flat feet (which are not exactly the same thing according to my doctor). I had my first Austin Bunionectomy on my left foot about a month after my 20th birthday (my surgery was on Canada Day 2009). My foot is mostly healed but I have a horrendous scar on my foot that looks something like this

(I found this on Flickr, I'm oddly jealous of how much nicer their scar looks than mine)

My scar is puffy and purple and is my new ironic cross to bear. Before my feet were barely functional, but fairly attractive as feet come. Now my foot is still only moderately functional (recovery is 6 months total) and I have a horrendous purple scar that will probably never fade in my lifetime. I have to have my second surgery on December 30th, 2009.

In regards to my arches, I have an illusion for an arch. I look like I have well defined arches, and then I take a step, and my foot is flat on the floor again like I'm some over grown baby foot. Because of my fallen arches I am also incredibly flat footed. My doctor likes to joke that my feet are that of my past life and that I got the body of a young man, but I got the feet of a WWII infantry man. I have to admit this does make me chuckle some.

3) I am the furthest thing from metrosexual/homosexual (yes, I know sexual stereotyping...sue me), but with this being said, I love shoes. If you've ever seen those guys on Cribs with box after box after box of shoes-- yeah, I'm that kind of guy. I'm at least responsible with my shoes-- I usually don't buy anything too expensive unless I really feel like I need it. There's a guy who goes by the moniker of Sole Junkie and he makes customized shoes-- needless to say if I was loaded I'd buy a pair of customized shoes from him.

The first time I saw these shoes, I realized that this would be my mark of success someday

4) From age 12-18 (or so) I used to wear a hat to bed, and I'm not even sure why. It wasn't necessarily even the same hat...over that span of 6 years it had been lots of different hats. I always found something comforting about having a hat on my head, especially while I was sleeping. I'm not sure why I stopped, I think living with a roommate changed a lot of my habits because you don't really want to seem weird. I think also because most of my hats have gotten pretty ratty I just stopped abusing them any more than they needed to be.

5) I'm commonly referred to as a
Renaissance man, and not by any insisting of my own. I'm just interested in an insane amount of fields like writing, languages (especially foreign languages), psychology, mythology, science, history (largely history associated to wars and pre-WWII Europe and North America), theology, law, medicine, film, computers, meteorology, and anything that comes to my interest at any time. (and yes, I have pondered a career in every one of the previous)

6) I used to hate coffee, it used to make me violently ill and I never knew why. For the longest time I just assumed I couldn't tolerate coffee or I just really wasn't a fan of it...something logical like that. It was only over the past year or so that I learned it wasn't because I hated coffee, but because I learned I had become lactose intolerant sometime during my freshman year (I was not lactose intolerant until I got to college, which I thought was weird). Now that I've started taking my coffee black (admittedly with some sugar) I've started abusively drinking coffee-- I'm not sure I see this as a positive, but at least it gets me going in the morning minus the cringing regret and uncontrollable vomiting.

And yes, of course I end it on a classy!