Thursday, April 9, 2009

Accio Appropriate Title, Incendio Writer's Block (BEDA #8)

Evening Nerdfighteria, this is BEDA numbah 8--*excited Kermit the Frog style type clapping*

At least I think it's number 8, if it's not we're going to get a
lesson in counting from Pax, so everyone should be excited.

So you know the drill, I've adapted the title from an already existent song title and made it my own-- my question is:
what song is it?
and who was I just watching on BlogTV? (<---- which is relevant to who wrote the original song).

My Easter weekend officially starts now because my teacher canceled my class tonight as well as my one class tomorrow, so I am basically super super pumped about being able to get some writing and work done early because despite today ending on a sour note I've had a pretty good day. After beating more Peter Pan metaphors to death I went to my Dante's class and realized that theology makes my head hurt. That might be the soul reason I'm not a religious person--well that is aside from all the others. However my roommate is letting me borrow his Bible to read for this weekend, and even then I'll probably just settle for the Lego Bible because it has pictures and the Snape Lego is the devil... so I'd say that's a win all around. Today I also got 3 packages! (which is meant of course in the non-homosexual way, which is apparently a disclaimer I have to make, just an FYI).

The first two aren't so exciting: hearing aid batteries and some screenwriting software from Microsoft (it's Final Draft, so I think that's MS made, correct me if I'm wrong). But the third was schweet to say the least. For some people Easter means religious reflection and appreciation of Jesus, or something like that-- I honestly know more about the religious history of Passover than I do anything in Catholicism (which on a side note for all my Jewish friends,
Chag Samayach, my friend Rob taught me that before he went home for the Seder.)

For me however Easter means the long withstanding Paxton tradition of Easter baskets and egg hunts. My mom has always viewed Easter as a second Christmas because she works in a card store and has for close to the past decade now. Before that my mom used to celebrate Easter like this because usually money was tighter around Christmas so she'd space out stuff making sure we always got what we wanted. I'd be really quick to say I was spoiled but I honestly neither ask not expect any of this and I think that makes all the difference.

This is my first Easter away from home (last year Easter ran early and Spring Break ran late so my first college year was the same old same old.) and it's a little weird to say the least. I'm so used to waking up and hunting for chocolate eggs around the house and then sitting down and opening up the baskets with the family. My mom is really great in this respect and I really can't wait till she's an amazing grandmother to my kids, or at least until I get to repay half of this back and spoil my kids on Easter (after church of course, I'm sticking to my guns with mixing traditions... which hopefully means my kids will have a stronger moral center =P hahaha).

I opened up the box addressed to me from my mom and was really shocked to find she had organized a whole basket (minus the basket if that makes any sense). She still went to whole nines even if I couldn't be there and included the note attached to a bag of chocolate eggs that said "have someone hide these for you, Ducky"-- and yes, she does call me Ducky...thank you very much...

Albeit I was a little sad at first because I know this means that my dad isn't in the right enough state of mind to come visit me at school, but I know he's recovering well from his stroke so the best I can do is be happy for him and use the holiday to reflect on that.

Even with all that my mom managed to bring home to me in form of a small brown box complete with candy (more than I know what to do with to be honest ranging from gum, chocolate, and even non-shitty candy hearts, even if they are Twilight themed *I personally like Twilight, but I honestly don't ask for all this*), fuzzy blue bunny whom I have named Colin, and a random assortment of odds and ends that included an Amex gift card, T-Shirt, and a movie magazine which I clandestinely read over in class.

Even I'm still shocked to get money on Easter, but I was soooooooo happy at the same time. After nerding about for an hour or so about what I was going to buy with my money I settled on buying:

Papertowns by John Green
An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
and of course the Paxist standby for weekend food,
some Chinese food.

If you don't know who John Green is, let alone Hank Green, or even the Vlogbrothers then I'm not even sure how you managed to read through this whole thing and for wasting your time I apologize I'll let you step out... now...

so now to test my blog audience...

be doo doo doo...?

Thought so...

But really, If you've still continued to read and have never seen the Vlogbrothers I think you should check the out you can check on YouTube under keywords: Vlogbrothers, John Green, DFTBA, or even so far as to search for Nerdfighters.

On a side note my question for you is:

Evil Baby Orphanage-- after this week's developments what do you feel about EBO?

I'm just curious where people stand, I'll share my opinions in BEDA #9 if I remember or care to explain.

The rest of the day however took a weird turn as soon as I went to go get my Chinese food man from the guy who did nothing but manage to yell at me-- which usually happens, this is our symbiotic relationship now.

After dealing with the frazzled, angry, but apologetic Chinese food man I popped over the the market that is behind my building where I literally found that hell had broken loose, and in the most accurate senses of the word.

I had never had anyone scream at me: only go this way if you want to get shot today...

I'm going to preface the rest of this with the basic fact that I was never in any immediate danger, I'm fine, and the campus is safe now as of the time I'm posting it.

However a few hours ago we had a situation with a guy in the Park River apartments, which are basically a set of dorm-style apartments set between my complex and the market-- and was ironically where I was headed to buy some iced tea.

Some yahoo had apparently taken a few people hostage after a failed armed robbery, and the basic facts which have been released is that after an hour or two of snipers, K9 units, National Guard, and probably a large portion of both campus and HPD the guy was eventually talked down and no one was injured.

Even with all this, I'm not going to lie-- it was pretty fucking scary to find you've walked into a war zone with guys using guns and shouting commands you've only ever seen in even the most intense shooter game.

I'm still a little shaken, but it's done nothing to ruin my night or my early weekend, I've just learned about the state of our campus' security.

But all these worries aside I think I'm going to read some BBook of Geek and watch some Dil Chahta Hai for class...

and remember Nerdfighters-- DFTBA

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