Saturday, September 19, 2009

I Get It Now...I Think

My tiny chickens have finally let up and I feel much better. I've used that phrase a lot this week and figure it takes some explaining.

Tiny chickens= Hank Green inspired Nerdfighter phrase that is synonymous with a head cold (aka, the pecking in the brain, and the general gooey disgusting facial appearance)

I'm however particularly restless right now after a night of drinking Butterbeer with my roommate. Yes, Butterbeer as in the fictitious treat enjoyed without the confines of the Harry Potter fandom. Google it, there's a recipe for it on Mugglenut and it's an instant jolt-- I had two mug fulls and I'm just....buzzzzzzzzzzz.

I just had another one of those "adult realization" moments-- once again inspired by my dad. It's strange how I'm learning more about the things he taught me as a kid now than I ever did when he first told me.

When I was a little kid my dad used to make me watch Stand By Me with him (Rob Reiner film, Stephen King short story) and I used to complain at being forced to watch it with him. I didn't understand what the point of it was for me to sit there and just watch my dad transfixed by this movie.

I know deep down it has to do with his mom, my nana. I'm not sure if it was her favorite film or something, but for some reason I think of this film and I think of my dad giving talks about my grandmother.

My nana died in June 1989, I was born in June 1989, there was a very small window in which I "knew" her. I have no memories of her so I have to kind of watch my father's reverence for her. I've never ask much about her, but over my life he's given me more about her and I kind of appreciate every bit of information I get about her. I've only realized now how well I've known her all along.

I remember whenever we'd watch this movie my dad would say "someday you'll appreciate this" and I think I mocked him much in the way a little kid calls their dad crazy.

Well dad, I get it now. You're still not any less crazy.

Sitting here watching this movie it's fallen into place in a weird way.

It's a chain of events, a tradition that I'm just meant to continue out of honor. I'm pretty sure my dad doesn't even like the movie, but that's not the point. My nana liked this movie and in turn it reminds my dad of her. My dad showed the movie to me because it links me indirectly to her and directly to him. Someday it'll be my turn to sit my kids down and link them to their grandfather and great-grandmother and wait 20 years for the realization.

But I honestly need to stop having these epiphanies at 5:44AM...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Short post today, partially because I'm tired of thinking about this topic and I want to do a quick brain dump and then forget about it for a while, and also because I'm suffering from an awful case of tiny chickens.

Some people know that I was recently invited to rush a fraternity, co-ed, service fraternity and has a lot of great prestige following it. I really wanted to do this and essentially after another rush meeting they are going to extend a bid (not usually how it works with social fraternities which is why I'm still being considered). I really want to do this, I have this fascination with brotherhood (and sisterhood, though they are also called brothers because woman's lib is funny like that).

However there's the other part of me that is a dedicated member of one of the largest clubs on the school campus-- we are affectionately called the Guild (essentially it's the geek club without me explaining too much). I love doing things with the Guild and a lot of my friends are in the Guild with me, I actually feel like I can be myself there.

These two clubs share a lot of the same events and in turn I'd probably have to choose going to the event to help represent APO or going as one of the Guildies.

At the moment it sounds like I'm being made to choose Greek over Geek, and I'm having a hard time reconciling this. I know that a lot of the APO members do two organizations, even 3 at once, so I guess it couldn't hurt to just ask them how they did it and how they balance brotherhood, education, social lives, and all that.

I have decided though that I am going to try and be both, do both-- and if it fails then I have the option to always de-pledge in the process. I just don't want to sacrifice who I am for who I want to be, and it's proving to be harder than it sounds.

Damn you Troy Bolton, you made this "be yourself" thing look so easy!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica

Today was a weird day.

Not weird as in "Socially Awkward Penguin" weird, but as in like everything seemed to work out...right, I suppose is how I would word it.

I woke up a little later than expected today and sadly missed some cozy couple time, which is okay we'll make up for it later-- which is something I think we both need with the stress of school, or just the stress of generally being as awesome as being Paxmay entails.

I woke up at about 12:10 and just laid in bed for a while, thinking. Not about anything in particular but kind of that free thought dream extension where everything is still kind of mindless. I like that time, I guess you could say I do some of my best reflective thinking then even if I can't remember it hours later.

Today was another day with pancakes, of which I'm indifferent to pancakes in their actuality, but they do evoke some familiar sense of home. I've been using those Bisquick "Shake 'n' Pour" things, they come in a yellow container that resembles Tide-- just add water and you get delicious pancake batter. This is definitely something I recommend to parents, if you're the homemade breakfast kind this would be a worthwhile investment. I think it literally took me 5 minutes total to prepare everything and the clean up after was limited to my spatula and frying pan. I've never been so impressed by modernization of food before today.

I've learned a lot of handy cooking stuff as of late, even just this weekend I was always busy making something. Last night I made Filipino style spaghetti with little to no failure, which was impressive enough for me. I think more dinner foods should be as sweet as that. I also made bacon, onion, and cheese stuffed burgers on the stove tonight-- I'm learning my way around home grilling without a real grill, and let's say road bumps are expected. I only managed to set off the fire alarm 3 times this weekend, which is much better than the usual given how sensitive it is to steam and general humidity. Which means yes, if the weather patterns change to quickly our smoke detector goes off.

The real exciting part doesn't come until about 4PM when I received a call from the woman I met at the job fair this week. I know I was guaranteed a job because of work study, but it's still cool to join the ranks of the employed again after nearly 2 years without a steady job. I'll be doing the basic paper pusher, phone stuff, mixed with some specialty web design work and video editing. Basically if "Pax" could be labeled as a job versus a person, this job would be what we call Pax.

This brings me one step closer to my goal of being Jim Halpert, because even I'm too sane to be Dwight, also my conversation German could use some work.

Work starts Friday and I have every intention of blasting the Scrantones the whole way there-- you can bet on it.

Bloglovers? Inspiration! *hallelujah chorus*

So I'm sure that many people know by now that I'm an utter YouTube fanboy, and also that I have a familiar preoccupation with the vloglovers AKA Liam/Min who I've probably referenced in my blog more than once.

vloglovers is something that May and I watch together, because it's so utterly familiar down to even the weirdest idiosyncrasies, at least on my part.

Anyway, after watching Liam's video this week I have decided that as soon as I have time to sit down I'll probably be doing something oh, like...this.

I mean, I'm going to have to be weird and creative given my lack of a camera, but basically to appease my adorable ninja fiancee I'm going to be posting clips up on IMEEM of songs that sync up to answers similar to these. She's claimed I could do a "better job" because I'm the "music guru", which is clearly just her bias talking, because I think Liam did a hilariously bang up job especially with the Scatman John cover of Invisible Man.

and who knows, maybe after this I can convince her to do a bloglovers with me, eh, eh? [/ang cheesy]