Monday, April 6, 2009

I Never Understood the Spiel About Rainy Days and Mondays Until They Happened All At Once (BEDA #5)

Today's just really one of those days, the typical: rainy days and Mondays always get me down-- and now I've been blessed with a rainy Monday and a pretty depressed mood to boot.

I always promised myself I'd never blog when I was feeling depressed because I felt that while blogging should be about sharing, I never liked sharing when I was in a bad mood-- so like my general mood today call this a fake smile plastered to this whole thing.

I got an unprecedented amount of sleep last night, I really don't think I've gotten that much sleep since last summer or possibly even so far back as when I was younger than 16 at this point. I've also come to the conclusion why I really don't like getting a lot of sleep-- it's a plain waste of time. I went to bed shortly after 11 last night and woke up shortly after 8:30 only to find that no matter how much sleep I can get, the human body is a bit of a sleep whore and always wants more. Unless this is just me, and then in this cause ummm... *clears throat* Hello, I'm Pax and I'm addicted to sleep.

All I can think is that I have 5 more weeks, that's about it-- maybe a little less, maybe a little more until I can leave school again for almost 4 months. The Hallelujah chorus has never been so fitting in this moment, well either that or something from High School Musical 2-- but I have a feeling that one of them is much less likely to get things thrown at me.

If anyone could tell me which one of these is fact I'd be appreciative...

I called my mom up in a fit of desperation the other day to tell her the my Bank of America account is looking particularly scant lately, and I'd like to ironically point out that my Bank of America account is the most American thing about me-- FYI. It took some negotiating ironically for her to give me less money, because she was trying to offer me 50 dollars, and I told her that I only needed exactly $17.56 to finish out the next 5 weeks.

I know a lot of people just *headdesked* at me not accepting more money, and for those of you who didn't, then I'm glad you understand the subtle science of borrowing money from your parents.

My mom is giving me the money, not as a borrowing thing-- but just so I don't sound too ungrateful, I did offer to dance around the front lawn in a monkey suit to give her 20 dollars worth of lawls.

She has yet to get back to me yet, but if you have a monkey suit and live in the New England area, I might possibly need to get in touch with you...

The sun just started to come out-- ironically it's doing nothing but mocking my mood at the moment.

I just have a lot of thinking to do this week, so in order for me to do that properly I've basically de-teching for the next week, not fully-- and I might pop on my messengers for a little bit but other than maybe a few YM sessions and BEDA I probably won't be around

I've put karma freeze on Plurk and I think most people won't notice my Twitter absence, Facebook depresses me and I'm not even sure why I keep Myspace-- I just don't want to be reached this week...

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