Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sometimes You Just Feel Like a Bad Hat (BEDA #6)

This is the only day of the week so far where I'm really not feeling BEDA, all I want to do is sleep but part of blogging everyday is like being stuck in a Biodome of obligation. So because of the nagging compulsion that keeps me doing this, here is my day in short summation.

Woke up this morning a little earlier than I had expected, and was quite displeased with my lack of motivation even then. I kicked off work mode really early, and yet still ironically seemed to finish late-- that's how Dante's writing works.

I wouldn't necessarily call myself a fan of Dante, or even a scholar, but I'm grasping it slowly every day and that's a miracle within itself. The text is a little bit heavy handed in expressing Christianity as the end all be all of being a good person, of which I'm neither here nor there when it comes to opinions. I believe what you want, say what you want, do what you want, respect that other people have the same right-- and you repeat this everyday until someday a higher belief resurrects itself from the mashed up incoherency that is the average human brain mixed with theology.

I would up leaving late for class, one of the hazards of having that annoying couple separation anxiety every time I leave May, and yes-- it happens almost every time never fail, trust me-- I'd be sick of us if I didn't think we were so cute (and slightly superior to "normal" couples =P)

Even with all this however I still wound up making it to class in only 5 minutes flat, which to explain is clearly feat of God or some divine nature because even had I been running it should have taken me 15 minutes-- proof that divinity is slowly showing itself to me in the most unexpected of ways hahaha.

My Dante's class ticked by at a crawl like pace, and I would know, I was staring the clock all class. After that interminable Inferno was over I went to meet with my film adviser. He's British and a little bit touched in the head, I'm not going to lie when I say I think there's something mildly wrong with him-- but he's helped me out of many a bind, so he's alright in my book.

It was today when I was granted another small surprise-- I'm almost finished school, technically. As of my Spring 2010 I will only have 2 general education courses left and 4 more film courses, which leaves me to finish up my ComSci requirements with little to no worrries.

Needless to say, I AM PUMPED.

But at the same time terrified of the fact the future is really coming fast, which once again on the same crux I'm likewise pumped again-- but I think that's because without a doubt, even if my future plans don't go just as that, planned... at least I have someone that I know I'm going to go home to everyday.

For some reason now, the frightening concept of our future doesn't freak me out so much-- someone get me some shades (<----cheesy reference a la 80s)

And now because lab has taken a ton out of me I believe I'm going to settle into doing some of my ComSci work and then getting a nap in-- tired Pax is tired =P

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