Friday, April 10, 2009

Put 8 Seconds on the Clock, We're Going Into Overtime...(BEDA #9)

Since it's now officially 7:41PM (at the start of writing this), I can wish everyone a good evening-- unless you live in another timezone and then well... I fail *sighs*

Today was the start of my lazy weekend in which I did absolutely nothing of consequence... whooooo for lazy days.

Well actually, this is not entirely true, I in fact did a lot of things that I enjoy muchly in my Paxley brain.

Oh, hold on before I continue-- the song title is a corruption of the song with song of the lyrics reworded in a fitting way so it's time for my favorite time of BEDA *drumroll*... didja guess the song?

I'm going to pause here and assume none of you guessed the song, and that's okay-- I still love you (unless of course I specified I don't love you and then in that case, GTFO my blog)

but now moving on about today:

  • discussed immortality on Plurk
  • Pondered building a modified car that employed a PS2 controller/modified computer keyboard instead of your typical steering column (<---- Paxmay is on this shit, don't worry)
  • Showed my militant pride for being a PC over a Mac (what can I say, Vista is shit, but it's never truly let me down too much)
  • Emailed the DH of the CS Department to see how they can help me become a CS minor.
Also right now while typing this I am watching Banned from the Bible I (and I plan to watch II as soon as this autoplay is finished).

With this Easter weekend coming up I've been pondering religion a lot lately, which is something I do more often then I'd like to admit.

I hadn't originally intended to make this my view on religion, but I guess it's going that way, but I swear-- this shouldn't offend anyone.

I'm not a religious person, I'm going to admit that and I've admitted it time and time again, and I'm not ashamed of this fact because I'm pleased my parents gave me a choice-- however I'm not completely proud of the fact that I have no religion to even defy or reject.

My father is a Catholic, my mother is a Protestant, and on top of not being able to agree what they wanted to be, they also decided they were going to let their children choose a religion that they wanted to. The only problem with this idea was that my parents have always very readily castigated religion and therefore wanting to pursue a religion in my family would probably be a taboo to them like being gay would be (though my parents would accept that I was gay, just not if I wanted to believe in God-- ironic).

I have a deep fascination in theology and therefore don't consider myself an Atheist, not because I believe it's wrong to be an Atheist, but only because I have yet to rule out the potential for a higher deity-- who knows, I might wind up an Atheist at the time of my death. I don't really consider myself an Agnostic (though if I had to consider myself an Agnostic I would be a Weak Agnostic or I would probably follow an Agnostic theism-- Wikipedia people) either because it's not that I don't know of any existence, or that I don't believe-- but rather I've never been really given a chance. By weak definition I probably would have been a Pagan once upon a time only because I feel almost as if I live in a non-Christian world because of how my parents raised us and it's very weird being so ill educated on this topic. And nothing against Jews, but well... I know I'm not Jewish-- that's the end of that...

I took up a course on Dante's Divine Comedy this past semester and it's really been my first experience in a type of intense theology study in my past 19 (bordering 20) years. I'm still not sure what I believe, but I like this process I've developed from this of accepting and rejecting these ideas as personal ideologies.

I'm also borrowing my roommate's Bible soon because I feel like it's a good place to start-- you know... the beginning.

And now I'm even bored with that ramble, sorry-- I hadn't intended to be so heavy handed and serious so I'm moving on now.

The Evil Baby Orphanage--

I posed this question yesterday and now I'm going to share my opinions now.

I think going back in time and employing an Evil Baby Orphanage would actually be foolish, not because it would be a bad idea to reduce World Suck in the past, but because I feel like having an EBO would increase the chance of creating a grandfather paradox or at the very least an alternate timeline.

The evil that has taken place has defined our World, good or bad and with that I refuse to be the complete undoing of human existence.

However employing an EBO now would be a good idea if we could somehow predict the likelihood of a baby becoming an evil baby-- which might be a little harder given the fact most people don't exhibit signs of being evil until they can walk or talk.

Whoooo I rambled a lot today, I'm sorry-- twas boring and lame and a little too Paxist, what can I say... get me thinking and I really think, and I mean really.

And now I'm done ranting for the day so I'm off BEDA mode for now, however when I actually get my brain all together I remembered I have to ramble about this water they have at school now-- and while I thought I was seeing signs of the DaVinci code, it turned out just to be epic water... *nonsensical*

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