Friday, April 17, 2009

Fritos, TaB, and Mountain Dew= My Dream Date (BEDA #16)

I almost forgot to BEDA today, so this is already starting off as a fail-- I don't even have a catchy song... no...wait, I'll come up with one now

There... tada... catchy song title...

*I know that 90% of the nerds probably just jizzed themselves, sorry...after all, WWJCD?*

So you know the drill-- name the song, or the artist, or if you're a nerd, feel free to just jizz yourself because you're not fooling anyone anyways.

Today was one of those really nerdy days, which is nothing new-- everyday in the life of Pax is a nerdy day. Today however was the nerdiest of them all, at least in a long time because I can't say today was my nerdiest day... just the one with the most nerd frequency.

Outside was the highlight of Greek Week, their semi-Greek games was today meaning that anyone who was anyone was outside watching the festivities-- I was holed up in my room listening to the music and reading, because that's about how involved I wanted to be [/socially_awkward:true]

So while anyone who was anyone was outside dancing to Poker Face, I was in the shitty dining hall...hooray for substandard food and the smell of bleach everywhere.

Okay, so the food isn't really that bad, but when you're born and bred of 18 solid years of your mum's cooking, 4 semesters with college food is bound to change your taste buds a little bit. I have eaten things that I didn't even know existed (delicious Seafood Newburg for the win) and I have eaten things that I'm sure could have eaten me back once upon a time (I think it was a burrito, but one can never be too sure...)

Today since it was basically dead I settled for a home favorite: hard boiled egg sandwich with mayo (like an egg salad sandwich basically, minus anything that makes it seasoned or salad like).

It was only when I looked around that I realized the dining hall was full with other people who were basically stereotypically in the same circle as me. Let's face it, I hate to label nerds, but we all know (especially nerds, geeks, and dorks) when we see one of our own kind.

There was maybe 10 of us (in an establishment that seats several hundred) and everybody I looked at had some of the more iconic geek traits.

We all know what these means:
video game consoles.
strange food choices.
graphic/themed t-shirts that amplify the nerdiness.

Even I was an offender today with my weird egg on wheat sandwich (I thought it was tasty, but was poorly crafted and looked stepped on), I had on my glasses, my hearing aids were on blast, I was toggling between my phone and my PSP, and I was mopping food particles of my copy of Paper Towns, while wearing an officially licensed Harry Potter Chudley Cannons shirt.

And it was in that moment that I just smiled and kept reading.

I love being a nerd/geek/dork, and I love being around them because they are unintrusive to personal space.

Unless we are counting glompage...and then yes... gnorks love to glomp because we just can't hug, we must politely body rape you with the equivalent of an "XD" face on.

also being a gnork allows me to enjoy this stuff... which I will share with you now.

Nerdiness for the win

Disclaimer though: these churches are not really places, no worries-- your children will not be raped at church (with at least 70% certainty)...

and that ladies and gents is why I'm going to hell =P

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