Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Find Your Identity Soon and Let the Channel Change You (BEDA #14)

Not gonna lie, as I started this "I'll Make Love To You" started playing and I'm lawling my ass off at that.

For anyone who knew me in October/November 2007 know that sometimes I was a bit of a drunken naked panda...

For anyone who didn't know me then... be thankful that I don't do that anymore, because I can't remember a good 4 month'll fuck you up...

You know the drill by now, the song is a title... rather scratch that and reverse it-- the title is a song and Pax is a little tired after a weird day.

Today isn't even really my busy day it's just weird and spread so much that I get too much of a lag in my day. Computers, Chem, and Cinema-- I just realized now that Wednesday's classes all begin with C, I think it makes me a nerd that I'm amused by that.

I never remember my ComSci class because it's before my brain is awake, my brain usually wakes up sometime after the class has ended and I'm usually halfway through my breakfast by the time I've realized my feet have brought me someplace to get food. And as for the other two classes-- eh... that's about all I have to say about that.

But as usual... my disclaimer:

College is really awesome-- blah blah blah blah apply and do your best and don't do drugs... good enough for you?

This week I'm really not feeling my BEDA, I'm sorry guys, it's just that school has been so crazy and I feel like I'm running on less than empty.

Hopefully this weekend will yield something other than me being unceremoniously passed out on a pile of school books-- which yes, I have done several occasions this week... it's a sad nerdy reality when you wake up with notebook spirals pressed into your forehead.

However to steal a cue from the fiveawesomegirls: today is awesome because I had White Castle...

and yes as in Harold and Kumar go to... not as in "I have an austere household that is colored in white".

Alright, so they were microwaveable because the nearest White Castle establishment is over an hour away, but even still these freezer burgers taste like the real thing (which I've only had twice), and they were the same size and cheaper than the regular White Castle sliders-- we'll call this the win for the day.

Today is however now awesome because it is Greek Week-- which is some type of fraternity/sorority thing were, well to be honest I'm not really sure what happens but for some reason it gives the frat guys to be even bigger jerks.

I'm going to make the disclaimer now that not all frats guys or sorority girls are like this, but it just so happens that these kids come from a different background that I was used to and therefore are only in fraternities for the sake of once again establishing a status quo where people are meant to feel inadequate. In most cases I respect fraternities for what they are intended for, but if it's for girls, drinking, and ridiculous hazing-- no thank you.

Anyways, Greek Week here is basically an excuse to see backwards hats, polo shirts, pucca shell necklaces, and sandals everywhere you look-- and the jock mentality has come back full force. I had some guy in a Sigma Nu shirt run up past me and basically scattered all my Dante materials everywhere and screamed
"GREEK WEEK MOTHERFUCKERS!" and high fived some guy in a likewise purple Sigma Nu shirt who then made the oral sex gesture at me and walked off...

College sometimes sucks too kids, keep in mind that sometimes you can just get a job out of high school and be just as well adjusted...

^these are actually lies, I'm partially joking-- just not about the frat guy, just hopefully you get into a school where douchebags don't run amuck.

So yes, now I'm getting ADD because my YM is blipping orange at me like crazy so... yeah, going to go deal with my "fans" =P

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