Sunday, April 12, 2009

Shot Right Through Like a Bolt of Blue (BEDA #11)

So last night I had some really good inspiration for a BEDA, it was fantastic and I remember thinking to myself that tomorrow (AKA today's today) was going to be an amazing day to write. In short I was pumped, I even said to May that I was pumped to be inspired to right.

I also have a short-term memory problem, so well... cock it-- I forgot how to make it sound intelligent so now you're stuck with the brain goo that is Pax...

Name that tune time, you know the drill-- what's the above song, and to up the ante some more, do you know which video game it was featured in?

Probably not to be honest, and I think by now I do this more for my personal amusement of being witty than making it a game for you guys.

Today is Easter Sunday and in lieu of religious inspiration, I'm at least feeling creatively inspired today, which for a writer is about the same thing as Jesus rising from the dead [/sacrilegious]

So before I get shunned as a non believer... moving on...

I'm working on 3 stories now outside of iLife (which iLife news to follow, FYI)--

All three are untitled at the moment so you'll have to bear with me but here it goes:

I'm working on a modern adaptation of Dante's Divine Comedy, it's loosely based on it however and is merely just the main plot inspiring factor to it versus anything that resembles the classics of Dante. All I have right now is that it's set in high school-- which is enough to damn a movie, I know-- but I want to give this a shot.

After a very weird dream I had today I'm also working on a semi-fictionalized account of a Boston University archaeological dig that was conducted in 1900 in Jerusalem. (The event is real, I've been doing research all day to piece together my dream, that things that happened are what is fictionalized) (this will probably wind up as a shot story before anything else)

and I'm working on a screenplay/novel that was inspired by the 2006 Mark Reyes film, Eternity, if you've never heard of it then you are probably not Filipino and therefore I'm not shocked-- if you have heard of it, well that's that.

However with all these new ideas coming through, I have to say that iLife is becoming more and more of a burden-- I mean, I love it and everything but it feels more like a requirement now than something I was doing creatively.

iLife is due on April 30th, and I have 120 pages to write-- which isn't so bad in screenwriting language since 1 page is a little under a minute of dialogue, action, and staging-- but it's just sitting down and getting organized to write that has me going mental.

In short, wish me luck-- I need it muchly...

Also if you have any songs you'd like to suggest for my iLife plot, get back to me however you think most fit because I'm always looking for inspiring songs and at the very least if I can't fit a song in, I find one like it to capture the same mood.

Yes, I'm well aware I sound crazy to any non-writer, and to any writer you know that being a writer is basically like playing with an imaginary friend all day-- it's their story to tell, you're just the one telling it...

I swear I'm not mental *twitches*

This also takes me to my last pointless point of the day, but I've been asked this in a few places now so I'm just going to answer it:

Yes, I will hopefully be taking part in NaNoWriMo this year, but if I don't, don't hold it against me...

Honestly, my career is already writing, do you know how unrefreshing it is to tuck in after a day of writing and drafting a story, just to write and draft another? hahaha

So now that I've wasted more time writing something that is not for my school work, I should probably at least pretend to get on that-- I might just think of my dream some more because well, I'm Pax...but at least I'm fun *beams*

Stay tuned for tomorrows inspirational post about labels, and if all else fails I'll probably talk about something else entirely like mustard, unicorns, or post-it notes

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