Monday, April 13, 2009

What's Your Sign? Hey, I Think You Know A Friend of Mine... (BEDA #12)

I'm running late on my BEDA today because I am ADD and not exactly in the mood to be descriptive and awesome, but I'm going to try... bleh...

The title is a song lyric, and so easy at that... in fact-- if you get it wrong I will be tempted to eat your face... quite violently out of rage, anger, and boredom...

Today's blog is a bit more of a bloggy like blog than my other blogs because my bloggy brain is all blogged out for right now (6 words with the root of blog, beat that hahaha)

I was supposed to do work today... I said it over and over again that I was supposed to do work today... I was terribly busy and had a lot of work to do-- it was supposed to take all day and I was just really busy with it all, I had it all planned.

I spent the day eating M&Ms...

I probably have diabetes now with how many M&Ms I have ingested

^ this is what college looks like-- it is not glamorous at all, it is not freedom, I am itchy, I have a stye, and I want someone to make me a sandwich [/whining]

But here's my disclaimer bit:

Kids... college is should go... it's fun and you make a lot of friends! *cheesy lie smile*...

Fucking college... hahaha

Today wasn't all bad though, I just don't remember why it is awesome now because I'm waiting for my second wind and this is not it.

I guess today is awesome because I have a stye, but not because I'm a peeping tom-- so whooooooooooo for purity (ish). (if you're not Filipino, you probably didn't get that... my bad)

I'm supposed to be watching an Indian movie right now, but right now I just want to curl up and sleep, but when I've actually watched it I'll tell you how it is-- which I'm hoping the answer is fantastic or I might just give up for a bit.

I guess here is where I can dispense my college-ly advice...

just because something is cheap does not mean it is edible...

That burrito I had tasted like a sock, so I'm really just coping with that.

And then my Windows shuffle reminds me why everything is awesome...way to go shuffle, I was trying to complain and be emo-z... curse you.

I guess I'm going to go be lame now and watch Enchanted while I try and get my work done because I'm just about that lucky, and I don't want to ever forget that fact.

^This one's for you and me love...mahal kita

Just for this once I'll settle for being Robert =P


  1. :O bastard. this is andrew and you can't steal my movie! D: lol

  2. College has it's us and downs. Trust me, I know.

    As for Enchanted: Best movie ever.


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