Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Short post today, partially because I'm tired of thinking about this topic and I want to do a quick brain dump and then forget about it for a while, and also because I'm suffering from an awful case of tiny chickens.

Some people know that I was recently invited to rush a fraternity, co-ed, service fraternity and has a lot of great prestige following it. I really wanted to do this and essentially after another rush meeting they are going to extend a bid (not usually how it works with social fraternities which is why I'm still being considered). I really want to do this, I have this fascination with brotherhood (and sisterhood, though they are also called brothers because woman's lib is funny like that).

However there's the other part of me that is a dedicated member of one of the largest clubs on the school campus-- we are affectionately called the Guild (essentially it's the geek club without me explaining too much). I love doing things with the Guild and a lot of my friends are in the Guild with me, I actually feel like I can be myself there.

These two clubs share a lot of the same events and in turn I'd probably have to choose going to the event to help represent APO or going as one of the Guildies.

At the moment it sounds like I'm being made to choose Greek over Geek, and I'm having a hard time reconciling this. I know that a lot of the APO members do two organizations, even 3 at once, so I guess it couldn't hurt to just ask them how they did it and how they balance brotherhood, education, social lives, and all that.

I have decided though that I am going to try and be both, do both-- and if it fails then I have the option to always de-pledge in the process. I just don't want to sacrifice who I am for who I want to be, and it's proving to be harder than it sounds.

Damn you Troy Bolton, you made this "be yourself" thing look so easy!


  1. an awful case of tiny chickens? do you have chicks??! awww that's cute (if you do, if not, i haven't any idea what you're talking about!).


    We never had the Greek thing and stuff here. Nope, never. We just went to school and hung out with people and stuff. Haha, how lame does that sound. I always wanted to school in the States so I'd be able to experience what we so often see on TV and in the movies! Anyway, what I'm trying to say (actually, I wasn't saying this at all, but I do want to say it) is good luck with everything! You seem able enough to mix things up and be part of more than one "group" (:

  2. I'm even in the states and sometimes I wish I was having the experience that's shown on the television. The awesomeness of our schooling system is highly propagated, but I'd like to buy in just this once.

    As for the HSM reference, oh trust me, that's just the tip of the Disney fanboy iceberg-- the fish in the sidebar there are called Ryan and Sharpay =D

    I suppose right now I'm just trying to find my niche again now that I'm at that strange age that is called 20. The encouraging words definitely help me stay sane =)


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