Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bloglovers? Inspiration! *hallelujah chorus*

So I'm sure that many people know by now that I'm an utter YouTube fanboy, and also that I have a familiar preoccupation with the vloglovers AKA Liam/Min who I've probably referenced in my blog more than once.

vloglovers is something that May and I watch together, because it's so utterly familiar down to even the weirdest idiosyncrasies, at least on my part.

Anyway, after watching Liam's video this week I have decided that as soon as I have time to sit down I'll probably be doing something oh, like...this.

I mean, I'm going to have to be weird and creative given my lack of a camera, but basically to appease my adorable ninja fiancee I'm going to be posting clips up on IMEEM of songs that sync up to answers similar to these. She's claimed I could do a "better job" because I'm the "music guru", which is clearly just her bias talking, because I think Liam did a hilariously bang up job especially with the Scatman John cover of Invisible Man.

and who knows, maybe after this I can convince her to do a bloglovers with me, eh, eh? [/ang cheesy]


No worries, we've sorted out the tricky mess of robots tracking the IPs of commenters, hunting them down, and attacking them, so feel free to comment with reckless abandon...hopefully