Thursday, April 2, 2009

Welcome to my BEDA fail! (#1)

So if you're a Nerdfighter you probably know about BEDA-- and therefore you are awesome, no need for the DFT there.

If you are not a Nerdfighter and know nothing about BEDA-- well, ummmm... shaaaaaaame.

But no honestly BEDA is a concocted idea by Maureen Johnson, you can find out about the wonderful project here

Basically the premise is just simply this:

You blog, every day, in April hence B-E-D-A, which we are nerdy pronouncing as "beeda"

And now I know some of you are thinking: but Pax it is the second day in April-- don't you fail?

And my answer is simply: yes vaguely italicized internal monologue-- I do epic fail, but I counter you with my well formed rebuttal in two parts

1)I, Edward Paxton, DGAF (today is a day for acronyms)
2) Yesterday was April Fool's Day-- which means nothing but I didn't want to find out BEDA was a poorly elaborate prank in which no harm is done but wasted time
(^this, like the cake, is a lie)

But really, it's a cool project and lots of people are taking part in it-- in fact if you go on YouTube and just type in BEDA, VEDA, Nerdfighter, or any of the following together you will find many people are coming forward to join the epic fun.

...Ironically while I was writing this the song I'm using to start my screen play came on-- so not only will I share that but some updated news about iLife... segues FTW!

^This is the opening theme to both the main action of the screenplay, and is also the subset text of the novel that starts off the chapter-- proof that the oldies are still awesome even 25 years later.

I know a lot of my friends are aware of iLife, which is a bit of a lie-- a lot of my friends haven't listened long enough to care what I'm writing so here's just my basic summary of iLife.

It's a boy meets girls...meets iPod story-- I'm afraid I'm not allowed to say much more than that while I'm writing, but it's basically your average teen movie meets Stranger Than Fiction, with a hint of autobiography.

Also some extra fun nerdy news which a lot of people probably won't care about... so I'm still moving on.

I'm working on the iLife book at the moment (which is not a direct adaptation, but rather there are direct similarities between the screenplay version and the movie version-- but they are very different in layout and some timeline aspects), which is no surprise I've been working, re-editing, re-drafting, all the fun stuff since sometime early last year. Hopefully I'll be finished by the end of this summer and have a finished "iLife of Emerson Gray" product.

Which is where some of my fun comes in:

I've been looking at some independent publishing firms that will just do one-off copies of books without mass distribution, and basically if I can find where it is feasibly possible I will in fact be printing off a few copies of iLife and distributing them to people who want them.

However because I have no legal representation and no means of this being funded, a lot of this will be out of pocket, so I believe at the most I'm only going to have 5-10 copies printed off.

Whether this is truly possible or not, I'm not sure, but for anyone who's been following the progress of my stuff, if you want a copy this is your chance to be like "I can has book?"

...Keep in mind still that just because you want on doesn't mean you can have one, but I'm just curious about the people who are seriously interested in this and have been following it since the beginning.

So now that I've gotten this pretty boring and pointless update out of the way, I'm probably going to go do work, or other random pointless things with my time rather than blog about my day anymore right now, but just know this was my unlucky day-- I got April Fooled by April 1st thinking that the bad luck would end then... it didn't...



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