Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Dime Plus Ninety-Nine

I have a riddle for you guys... you ready?

What's blue, red, and the fastest thing alive?


NO BITCH IT'S NOT SONIC, PUTANGINA! It'd be me in my blue Element shirt and red Airwalks running from class to class, but the imagery pretty much looks the same.

In short, school is kicking my ass hardcore and I'm lagging more and more everyday, not that I'm complaining I love school for what it's worth, I just wish I had 2 more hours in a day-- can someone get on pulling a Hiro and editing the space time continuum?

So now I'm just sitting back and trying to let my thoughts gel a little, I still feel like I'm going at a good 100MPH right now, I need a good night's sleep tonight to calm me down.

We made explosives today in Chem, and I know anyone reading said something to the effect of "oh no, they let Pax have explosives" hahaha, I know the feeling, my lab tech really doesn't like me to have the matches because I look like a madman in those Chem googles, but what can I say-- they don't call me Paxomaniac for nothing hahaha.

So now we're going to play a little game now-- anyone who knows me knows I like to incorporate music and blogging together as one cohesive unit, and as usual the blog title somehow relates to the topic as well as the music I was listening to as I was writing it-- in this case today it is both.

So name that tune: what song is that lyric from?

It actually serves as a pretty good caveat for what the rest of the blog is about too, and also it's a pretty sick song, so go... start singing or Google right now...

I'll wait...

*Jeopardy theme*

didja figure it out?

if you did: whoooooooo yeah, told you it was sick...
if you didn't: you fail, get out of my face... hahahaha

So now moving on...

Some other fun news actually that has had me "straight trippin'" all day (did anyone else like that linggo switch? hahaha I didn't, moving on)-- because I felt like saying "fucking retarded" is what I'd say for anything else, but really this was big.

My fiancee got her braces off--

yeah I know that must make us sound so grown up-- she gets her braces off and maybe if we're lucky I'll hit puberty this week hahaha (I swear we are actually 19 and 20 respectively, which is probably backwards because she's 20 *and not old*, but yeah... WE'RE NOT LITTLE KIDS!)

*snugs Siggy* <---- [/sarcasm]

but really, all crazy Paxisms aside-- yeah hahaha, if I weren't her fiance, I'd beat myself up and want her to out with me...

Do you think it's possible to fall in love with someone twice?...

because I think I managed it. She was always gorgeous to me before, don't get me wrong or anything, this isn't out of anything shallow-- to me there is no one better looking, but I had never taken into account that she wouldn't have braces till we were 100...which might not make sense, but I think you get used to someone one way, and when that changes you have to consolidate your new opinions, and that's why I feel so retarded around her.

I swear, you'd think I was back to being 18 year old Paxward Pax and stammering and nosebleeds (I've had 4 nosebleeds a la sexy anime style for comparison...but I've calmed down now).

We must come off like one of those sickening couples, I apologize, if I weren't me I'd probably throw up more. It's ironic how we both don't think we deserve each other, if it weren't so pathetic I'm sure it would be "awwwww", but even I'm not sure. I'm just going to say it-- even though I know she'll probably pull a Tinkerbell on me later for this-- so love if you're reading this, sorry, but I just have to say it...

My fiancee is smoking hot (I feel like I stole that from a book, movie, show or something-- yeah) I'm even going to post a picture, because it's so funny when she makes the blushing, awkward, "I am not pleased with you Pax" face

Yeah, I can already tell she's going to be displeased with me, but I know for a fact she can't quit smiling, so I might be a little in the clear for now.

Also on another side note, I need to push that photo up a little from this because... yeah, she drives me crazy at the moment so...

...finally hahaha

As much as I said this was just going to be an everyday daily blog, I actually have some stuff I want to cover this week, because I can't vlog--so think of them as scripted blogs for now where you basically have to imagine fancy jump cuts and all that epicness of da YouChoob... just minus my ugly ass face talking at you for 5 minutes, plus-- I r a gud riter boy wid manee skillz

So for now some word association of what I want to cover over the next couple days: "Teeth Whitener", "Why you shouldn't mix up Necrophiliac with Nymphomaniac", "White People" (I swear, this one's not racist, I've been calling out so many white people on their "White Moments" so I guess I'm going to have to try and own up a little *not that I can [/fail]*), and "Trock".

Now speaking of school kicking my ass, homework time, ugh-- check you guys... tomorrow *hopefully*

I also... shameless plug--

Ze BakitWhy forums opened this week, and I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty freaking awesome, you can talk to some of the awesome BW Vlogger team, Filipinos, and some random other people who make their way into the work (AKA well by now you know who that would be hahaha)

links here ------> *BakitWhyFanboyLove*

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