Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Might Not Party Like Asher Roth, But I Still Love College (BEDA #20)

Today is the day where Pax does nothing for BEDA besides share some of his screenplay...so let's go.

**I can share none of the context or much of the backstory because it's still a WIP, but try and enjoy if you can**

In a weird way it’s like starting over again. Like Kindergarten. None of us know each other, but we’re expected to make friends without the help of mommy or daddy for the first time...just all over again, and with more alcohol and swearing.

Mett props his feet up slightly on the empty chair in front of him and continues to scan the room. He soon makes eye contact with Isabella who sees him. In a panic he quickly looks down.

Isabella walks over to their row and motions to the empty seat still beside Mett.

So we meet again, gayer version of Matt.

Mett chuckles and sits up slightly.


Mett, I know, I remember.

Mett smiles and nods.

I don’t remember much of Dean Chambers speech. Partially because he talked a lot of bullshit, and partially because all I could focus on was the girl next to me who smelled like strawberries.

Mett looks over at her again quickly, once again looking away when she catches his eye.

And she probably thinks I’m some creepy stalker by now.

When he looks over again he notices she has looked away from him in much the same manner.

He smiles a happy, crooked smile and props his chin on his hand.

Or maybe not.


I’m tempted to call him Louis, but I don’t think he’ll get the reference.
My iPod just decided to call it quits.

Paul frowns understandingly.

It’s sad how the teen population views technological tragedy to just as crushing as something that well, actually matters.

I’m Mett

Isabella takes his hand slowly.


Mett laughs nervously

No, Mett-- M-E-T-T... Mett.

Isabella eyes his name tag for a moment and then nods in understanding.

So then like Matt, only gayer.

Mett stares blankly at the girl, realizing she doesn’t look like she’s kidding.

Yeah...it’s a little something like that.

**did anyone notice the catchphrase to Paxomania thrown in there? if you did... I hartz you, very few people know this is where that came from, even before it was written.**


The sound of the door can be heard as Mett is standing in his now noticeably empty room. The sound of his parents’ dialogue can be heard fading down the hall.

I can still remember now what it felt like the day they left, I don’t ever even think I told them, but I cried.

Mett wipes his eyes and sniffs

But only a little...

**based on actual Paxist behavior**


She waves happily and walks away as Mett waves back stupidly.

I’m not exactly sure what I’ve gotten myself into.

Mett stands from his chair, removing his iPod from his pocket and placing the earbuds in his ears. He grabs his plates and slowly follows the path that Kristen had taken to leave.

[”Why Can’t We Be Friends”-WAR plays softly on his iPod]

He looks back at Isabella who is now talking animatedly to a guy who is standing at the end of her table. Shaking his head he turns the volume up.

Damnit. How the hell do I even have this song?

The rest should be done this weekend, so look out for it in a few weeks after that

**I can't share it until it has been graded, but I promise when it has you guys can see it**

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