Monday, September 7, 2009

Welcome Home, Outcasts!

Oh hai!

It's been a while since I've just blogged for the sake of a jovial mood and updating people and I'm feeling jovial and in an update mood-- so this is what this is, an honest to goodness bloggy-blog.

I've been back at uni for a little over week now and I have to say it's a good change of pace while returning to an ever familiar routine of mine. It's scary to think that I'm in my third year, a Junior for anyone who's counting on their fingers right now.

I can still remember what I got accepted to U of H, it was sometime in December 2006, it makes me honestly feel so much older than the little boy who danced around to MC Lars on his kitchen table when he got an early acceptance letter.

Classes have been the usual, I'm really interested in what I'm taking this year-- so far my schedule stands as:


World Cinema— 1:30-5:00

Programming Foundations— 7:20-10:00


Industrialization in Asia— 3:30-4:45

Adult Journey: Search for Meaning—5:00-7:20


Orientalism in Cinema—1:30-5:00


Industrialization in Asia— 3:30-4:45

So far with the way the school year has been scheduled I haven't had my Monday courses yet-- and it just so happens those were the two I was looking forward to most. the World Cinema class is taught by one of my favorite film professors, Isabelle Freda who is just, well she's a character and reminds me of much more approachable version of my high school photography teacher. I'm indifferent towards my Programming course for right now, but I am excited to spend some time working in MS-VB 2008, even if I only understand on the most basic level what that means.

My other courses so far are just, well kind of perfect so far, even if a little intense. my film courses are always my favorites, especially now that I'm well established in the school-- I kind of know the teachers and the topics well by now that I find myself really feeling like I know what I'm doing. My Industrialization in Asia course scares the shit out of me, but I know I'm going to learn a whole lot of stuff and I mean a looooooot. My Adult Journey course is basically like applied Psychology 101, it's a highly autobiographical "All University" course (this basically means I'm required to take this class, or one of a similar discipline to get electives credit, so I might as well enjoy it). It's a lot of theories, but then we discuss the general awesomeness of what those theories mean to us-- I also really like the professor because she's letting us call her Roz-- I'm a bit of a Disney/Pixar fanboy and it makes me chuckle.

However the most exciting thing yet is not the courses, it's my living situation.

Most people who know me know that I've spent the past two years living in a school dorm on campus that is like a more lame version of Hogwarts. Dorms mean lots of things I hate about school including: one bathroom, meal plans, no personal space and the general hazards of that many guys living in one small space.

This year I'm living in an on campus apartment just across the lawn from where I used to live, but you'd think it was a completely other world.

That's not my exact apartment, but I have one of the front facing ones like that-- my door is a bright green though as all the Quads are color coordinated to make them easier to find (Res Life says it's for their own usage for maps, but I personally think it's to help the drunk people get home to some degree of accuracy).

I still don't have my own room, I'm living with my friend Kal this year, but it's still a better trade off. Even if I know there are some thing he and I clash over-- everything is at a steady truce right now.

My apartment is fairly good sized considering it's my first apartment-- 2 floors, 2 full baths (one upstairs, one downstairs), 3 bedrooms (there's 5 of us total, 2 doubles and 1 single), a full kitchen, and a living room/dining room area. It's not huge but everything is fairly comfortable, it's a good size for a small home-- let alone an apartment.

Living with Kal is a bit of a challenge because he's been living alone for a long time now-- I believe he's had a single since he was a Sophomore and now during his Senior year he has to learn to share space-- sort of. He's basically claimed most of the free space in the room-- which is fine, I don't take up a lot of space, but we are in very much an Oscar and Felix situation.

I'm not exactly a neat freak about being clean, at home I'm probably the messiest person ever-- but over the past 2 years I've learned how to share space and that even a little mess makes a room seem 40 times smaller.

the three other guys are okay I guess, never really see them. Our closest neighbor is named Shane, I don't know much about him other than he's a Senior and not a douche-- sounds like a friend in my book.

The other two guys, well-- let's just say that we might have some problems when I get my eskrima sticks. I'm not sure their names, I think my rooming paper said Makai and Kevin, for the sake of not calling them obscure names that make no sense we'll stick with this. I have never seen Kevin-- if he walked into our house I'd assume he was probably lost or drunk. Makai from here on out will be disaffectionaly called douchemate. I could complain about him for hours with all the stupid shit he's done-- but you're going to hear enough about my flatmonster over the next few months so I might as well save the good stuff for later.

Let's just say I'm glad to have some time to myself right now. I'm doing the pensive writer thing and looking out over the pond watching the geese, still enjoying the last few days where it feels moderately like a New England summer. It's the kind of scene that prefaces a movie where you learn a lesson-- the scenery makes me feel more profound than I am.

It's kind of a good feeling.

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